Thursday, August 20, 2009

Excitement, perhaps a little too much!

First of all, I need to mention that Andy and I found a house a few days after the last post. It has everything that was on our original "want" list and is perfect for us. Our projected closing date is September 4th. Here's hoping that nothing goes askew.

Now, onto the real reason I'm writing a post. Andy and I celebrated our 3rd Anniversary yesterday, and it was by far the most exciting anniversary we've ever had! We made plans to go on a St. Croix riverboat cruise. It was a wonderful time, but the trip there was quite the adventure! We saw our first tornado and major flooding on 35! Talk about scary! There were no indications of a tornado. No pea green color, no loud freight train, no funnel, and no sirens. However, there were flying trees/shrubs and a head or foot board from a bed flying around in a circle and complete downpours. There is nothing like being stuck in traffic and watching a tornado, not knowing what is going on or having a safe place to go. Apparently, this was a surprise tornado for all of the meteorologists, as they thought it was just a rainstorm w/ the potential of being a nice thunderstorm. They were wrong, VERY wrong. However, it made for a memorable and exciting day. Although, I don't need that kind of excitement EVER again.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


The whole house search has drained Andy and I physically and emotionally. To say we're frustrated would be an understatement. We are finding no joy in finding a home and feel like we will be settling for something that we don't like, just to get this horrendous process done and over with. Will we ever find a house that meets our needs and wants? Seriously, we're not asking for much, but apparently the little that we do want is too much to ask.

Friday, July 17, 2009

It was a bust

Unfortunately, last nights search was a bust. Out of the 5 houses we initially we wanted to see, 3 of them were already pending or sold. The two we saw weren't awful by any means. One was gorgeous with tons of character. Unfortunately, character is codeword for old. Like seriously old. The other had a nice floor plan, a falling apart deck and a huge hill as a backyard. This one might could potentially be an option, but I'm not paying full price for it. No way, no how.

So, we're going out again on Saturday afternoon. We've extended our search way further than we'd ever wanted to, and we've dropped things from our list. Who would have thought that I'd be willing to go w/ no central air so long as there is duct work for us to put one in a house that is priced right? Crazy, right?! Instead of two garage spaces, I'll settle for one. I'm willing to purchase something with crappy carpet or an unfinished basement. Doesn't have two baths, I'll settle for one. Seriously, I'm willing to settle for some things, it shouldn't be this difficult! It just so happens that the houses that meet our downgraded criteria don't have a basement, are on a busy road, are too far away (come one we're NOT driving an hour each way to work), in a shady neighborhood, it's way too expensive or someone else has already snatched it up. I'm so over this right now, it's not even funny!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The search continues, seriously?

I'll be honest, I'm getting a little fed up with the whole house search. I'm ready the throw in the towel, then I'm not. I find a house that I could live with, then I over think it and the house is horrible. Seriously, can someone throw me a bone? Andy has been feeling the same way, so we're definitely not enjoying this stress laden ride!

We're heading out tonight to look at our bazillioneth house. Okay, you got me, it's more like 60th or 70th. When will we find something that we can see ourselves living in, in a town and neighborhood that is decent and a price that we feel comfortable with? We've gone through the "want" list a million times, and we're willing to let go of some of the list. So, we're bound to find something, right? I'm not holding my breath. I'm going to attempt to just forget about this whole situation, relax and just let whatever happens happen.

God, please help us find something we love.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

House hunting and the zoo

Yesterday Andy and I continued our house hunt. We saw a few houses in the Southern suburbs, but didn't find any that really sang to us. Once again, there were major issues with every single house. Water damage/mold that was undisclosed. Check. Needs a new roof, sliding door, new windows and on a busy road. Check. Way over our budget and near 169 road noise. Check. Seriously, I'm not asking for much. Really, I'm not. I just want a home that is structurally sound, in good condition (I don't care if stuff is old, just in good condition), has a decent price tag and NOT on a busy road! So, the search continues. There are some possibilities that aren't everything I've dreamed of and are farther away from the city, but I'm willing to compromise distance to get more of what I (we) want. I haven't lost hope! :)

On another note, I was able to go to the zoo with Laurie, Eric, Marie and Linnea. It was a good time. Miss Linnea was quite the chatterbox on the way and did really well at the zoo.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I went hunting last night

The house hunt has officially started! Last night Andy and I met with a Realtor to look at some houses. Talk about discouraging! We both knew that our price range wouldn't allow us to purchase a fancy schmancy house, but we definitely thought it would allow us to purchase something nicer than anything we saw last night. We're forging ahead and are looking for new properties to take a look at later in the week. I never thought we'd be looking into some of the towns we are, but they are still reasonably close and allow us to get a little more of the ameneties we want but wouldn't be able to afford or find in the city. Here's to a great house hunt!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Turkeys and houses

Andy and I ran our first 5K on Thanksgiving. The weather was better than we were expecting and the spirit of those around us was great. Our time wasn't the best, but then again, we hadn't been training with 10,000 other people in our way or those two nasty hills right at the end. It was such a wonderful experience. We both enjoyed it and are thinking of doing another come Spring.

We've decided it's about time that we purchase a house. It has been discussed before, but we chickened out. Adult decisions and huge financial commitments like that make both of us squirm a bit. We are totally capable of doing the aforementioned, but we still like to think of ourselves as youngsters. So, we're attempting to cut back, save up and (hopefully) purchase a home in the Fall.